Analysis of the Forest Plots

Analysis of the Forest Plots

The plots at higher elevations (Dona Morta Dalt and Mut Dalt) are dominate by a forest mostly comprised of Pinus halepensis, with communities of Quercus ilex within. Pinus halepensis is a pioneer species that tends to dominate sites with a recent disturbance, such as fire or clear cutting. In both Dona Morta Dalt and Mult Dalt, there was a dense forest of Pinus h., which was selectively harvested for timber prior to the beginning of the project. Afterward, there was a significant storm in which many trees fell, due to a weakened infrastructure from the harvesting. Many of the trees were left in place to provide organic matter for regeneration. In the opportunities provided by the gaps in the canopy, grass (Brachypodium retusum) is regrowing, which is being grazed by the horses--hopefully bringing more organic matter to the site.

The next successional phase of forest for this region is one dominate by Quercus ilex. For the Quercus ilex that were already established, the openings in the canopy provide the opportunity for them to develop, as part of a phasing out of the early successional forest to the next one. The horses, however, will provide a consistent low level disturbance by grazing, which will only allow Quercus ilex regrowth in certain areas, while others are maintained as pasture for some period of time.

Pinus halepensis forest prior to harvesting, Quercus ilex in understory
After harvesting
After storm
Pinus halepensis is phasing out, enabling grasses and growth of Quercus ilex. Fallen trees and grazing augment organic matter.
Advanced succession from Pinus halepensis to Quercus ilex, continual maintenance of ground plane through grazing.

The photos below show drone footage of the forest after the storm that knocked down many of the remaining trees in 2020.