Soil chromatography: Pla del Mut Dalt

Soil chromatography: Pla del Mut Dalt

The overall impression of the chroma of Pla del Mut Dalt is bright and complex: The central, median and outer zone are interwoven and form complex patterns. The colors are bright: yellow, gold and orange. The overall impression is an indicator for fertile soil.

Channels and spikes are strongly visible. The channels run through all zones: central, median and outer zone. This is an indicator for high amounts of nutrients and organic matter. The concentric rings are interwoven with the overall pattern of the chroma. The brown colourations evolves from beginning to end of the median zone continuously. This indicates a good balance of soluble minerals to humus. The yellow coloration of the central zones is the ideal color and an indicator for fertile soil.

Soil chromatography of Pla del Mut Dalt © Chair of Being Alive, 2021.
Interpretation notes on the soil chromatography of Pla del Mut Dalt © Chair of Being Alive, 2021.