Soil sampling: Pla del Mut Dalt

Soil sampling: Pla del Mut Dalt

The garden lies in a forest on a ridge. Its soil is very shallow with a depth of only 30 – 40 cm. It consists of an organic layer with fresh and decomposed leaves and small twigs as well as of an A-horizon of around 30 cm. Since the organic layer is dark brown by definition, the A-horizon shows a brown color (Munsell 7.5YR 4/2). Fieldwork tests revealed the soil texture to be silt loam and silty clay loam.

Soil profile of Pla del Mut Dalt. © Chair of Being Alive, 2022.

This data confirms the assumption that the soil type in the garden of Pla del Mut Dalt can best be characterized as “Morull”. Morull type soils are shallow, well drained and of medium texture, with some coarse ele­ments. They have developed on shales on the slopes of the Segarra. Again, the soil texture and the organic content does not correspond to the assumptions in the soil maps and  to the results from the lab analysis.

The analytical results indicate that the soil is basic, with very high calcareous levels, not saline and with a low macronutrient content (except for potassium that is average). The content of organic matter is very high (according to analytical interpretation) and with medium or low levels of micronutrients, apart from high calcium. As for the physical characteristics of the soil, it has a Loam texture.

Results of the soil lab analysis of Pla del Mut Dalt © Chair of Being Alive, 2021.