Soil sampling: Dona Morta Baix

Soil sampling: Dona Morta Baix

The garden is located on a mid-slope close to a road and the valley bottom. According to our fieldwork results and the studying of geological and soil maps, the type of soil in Jorba can best be characterized as “Emprius” described by the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC). Emprius-type soils are moderately deep, well-drained and of medium texture, with some coarse elements. They have developed on lutites or sandstones from colluvial detrital sediments in gentle and moderate slopes of the Segarra.

Soil profile of Dona Morta Baix. © Chair of Being Alive, 2022.

However, there are distinct differences of the soil profile the team did compared to the soil profile from literature. The main difference is the undifferentiated soil horizons, concerning especially the two first soil horizons close topsoil. A decades or even centuries-long agricultural management and related deep tilling during this time might have led to a severe disturbance of the upper soil parts.

The soil profile does show a depth of over 1 meter with no organic layer on the ground. The A and B horizons are very similar regarding soil color showing a brown color. The C horizon shows a light brown color. This fieldwork observations makes the soil colors a bit more brownish and less yellowish than expected by studying the literature.

The soil texture of the A-horizon analyzed in the field and in the lab does not align well with the general descriptions of the soil texture of the soil type Emprius. The team found out that the texture in the garden is much less clayey than expected. Although the fieldwork tests revealed a rather clayey soil, the lab analysis showed a silt-loam texture for the A-horizon.

Speaking of, the lab analysis in a depth of 10 cm in the A-horizon reveals that the soil is of a basic, with very high calcareous levels, not saline and with a low macronutrient content. The organic matter content is very high (5.16%) and with medium and high levels of micronutrients, except for zinc and copper that have low contents.

Results of the soil lab analysis of Dona Morta Baix © Chair of Being Alive, 2021.