Soil sampling: Pla del Pouet Baix

Soil sampling: Pla del Pouet Baix

The garden lies on a slope, partly covered with trees and shrubs. The soil shows a total depth of around 60 cm, no organic layer and two distinct soil horizons. The soil is covered by a plant and wooden debris of oak leaves, pine needles and small twigs.

Soil profile of Pla del Pouet Baix. © Chair of Being Alive, 2022.

By drilling into the ground, the A-horizon shows a depth of 18 cm and a dark brown soil color (7.5YR 3/2). The following B-horizon shows a depth of around 40 cm and a brown soil color (7.5YR 5/2). The soil starts to have small rocks in a depth of around 34 cm. The soil texture is silt loam for the A-horizon and clay loam for the B-horizon.

Comparing the fieldwork results to the data from the soil maps, the depth of only 60 cm suggests that the soil type is a ridge soil called “Morull”. However, it is confusing that there is also a B-horizon identified by the team. So it could be that this suggested B-horizon is already the beginning of the C-horizon. Alternatively, it is an eroded mid-slope soil type called “Emprius”. Erosion over time would have made the soil thinner than expected.

The analytical results indicate that the soil is basic, with very high calcareous levels, not saline and with a low macronutrient content (except for the potassium that is optimal). The content of organic matter is very high (according to analytical interpretation) and with medium or low levels of micronutrients, except for magnesium and calcium that are high. As for the physical characteristics of the soil, it has a Loam-silt texture.

Results of the soil lab analysis of Pla del Pouet Baix © Chair of Being Alive, 2021.