The Gardens: Pla del Pouet Dalt
The Garden of Plans del Pouet Dalt is located on a ridge down the valley from Senan. A low shrub garrigue community dominates the majority of the site. The garden consists of a flat plateau that, on the edge of the site, slopes down to the neighboring Garden of Plans del Pouet Baix, and then to the valley below. The low shrub community marks the plateau, but forests dominated by Pinus halapensis occur on the slopes.
When we first visited the site, the soil was hard and surface cracked. Due to the wide spacing between plants, patches of blindingly white soil were visible. Subsequent soil tests indicated that the white color indicates a strong presence of carbonated materials that generate extraordinary poor soils with an elevated pH. So this garden showed the highest pH compared to all the other plots. Overall, the soil shows a depth of over 100 cm.
In the area around Senan, the low-shrub vegetation community found on the plateau indicates places that are hot and dry, such as south-facing slopes, which suggests that this site is especially dry even though it is not south facing. We speculate that the soil condition is contributing to the anomalous plant community. These plants often form dense masses that spread clonally and thrive in harsh conditions. Many, such as Genista scorpius, have thorns which have evolved to deter grazing. Working with a forestry engineer, the team mowed this area in order to favor the growth of herbaceous perennials such as grasses at the expense of the woody shrubs such as Quercus coccifera and Genista scorpius. We expect that the mowing, in combination with the introduction of the horses, will transform this plant community and soil condition. We expect that the existing grasses, such as Brachypodium spp., will spread, and new species will arrive.
Each garden contains a 10x20m test plot that is closely monitored prior, during and after the intervention in order to document changes to the soil and vegetation. The test plot is situated in an area typical of the site, on a flat area covered in shrubs such as Rosmarinus spp. This page contains more information about the test plot and the vegetation survey.
The distribution of plots for the horses responds to the shape of the plateau and access limitations. The plots are long and at least 15m wide, which is the minimum dimension the horses find comfortable. Entrances face the road and are group together to limit openings in the perimeter fence. The single Jardinet is located in the shade of a pine tree (Pinus halapensis) near the road. Several islands are interspersed throughout the area grazed by the horses, located at the boundary between plots and fenced to protect them from grazing. These areas, and the Jardinet, will host fruit trees protected from the horses. Due to the existing vegetation and soil conditions, only extremely drought tolerant plants will be added.
Images showing the existing condition of the Garden with young pines and shrubs, Chair of Being Alive