Vegetation Survey: Jorba
The test plot of Jorba with a size of 10 x 20 meters is located on the east end of the Garden of Jorba. We located the test plot so it straddles one of the walls, crossing the old almond orchard and pine plantation. Two of the stone walls cross the test plot, which devides the land of the slope into terraces. Until recently, the site was farmed and as a result, the land is not yet forested. This results in shrubby vegetation with many grasses and herbaceous plants in between the tree species. Thus, the plot does not consist of a homogenous vegetation, but is still representative for the whole site.
Pinus halapensis is obviously the most dominant species on the side of the pine plantations below the lower stone wall. The canopy is fully covered with the branches and needles of the trees, allowing only a few species to grow beneath. This includes grass and Thymus vulgaris, but also some little trees of Acer sp. and Quercus sp.