22.06.2023 - Rotation of the horses from Foraster to Dona Morta Baix

22.06.2023 - Rotation of the horses from Foraster to Dona Morta Baix

One of the key design parameters of the Garden of the XXI century in Senan is the rotation of the horses. Based on the methodology Pastoreo Racional Voisin (PRV), the horses are moved daily from one plot to the next one where the grass is ready to be grazed, allowing enough time for the pasture to regenerate before they come back.

The design of the plots and the rotation rely on the regeneration period of the pasture, which is very much dependent on the climatic conditions of the site. Over the last fall and winter, Catalonia and other parts of Spain experienced an unusual lack of precipitation, which made almost impossible that the grass in our plots could grow. Luckily, during the second half of May and the month of June around 200 L/m2 of rain fell in Senan, allowing the vegetation to regenerate before the summer drought.

In red:route of the horses from the plot in Forester to Dona Morta Baix.

In these videos you can see how one of the plots in the garden Foraster looks after being intensively grazed by our group of horses, and the journey to move the animals to the next plot in the garden Dona Morta Baix, where the grass has properly regenerated and is ready to be eaten.